Privacy Policy

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and with Spanish data protection legislation, Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on data protection and guarantee of digital rights, as well as Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI), the entities listed here inform you of the processing of personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

This website is owned and registered by FUNDACIÓN INTRAS, on behalf of the HENKO NET project, acting in accordance with the functions, among others, assigned to it as Project manager.

The HENKO NET project is a collaboration between three countries (Spain, Portugal and France) whose mission is to offer patients innovative solutions for palliative care at home. The views and opinions expressed are, however, the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the responsible authority can be held responsible.

Details of the person responsible for data processing and D.P.O.

• Adress: St. Martín Santos Romero 1. 47016 Valladolid, Spain.
• Telephone: 983 399 633
• E-mail:
• CIF: G-47345061
• Register: Classified as a Private Charity with a welfare character by the Ministry of Social Affairs by Order of March 2nd, 1995 (BOE No. 75) dated March 29th, 1995. Registry of the Protectorate of Foundations No. 47/0102.
• Data protection officer: if you wish to contact our Data Protection Officer for any question related to the processing of your data, you can do so using the data provided below: St. Martín Santos Romero 1. 47016 Valladolid,

Purposes of the processing of personal data


  1. Contact and advertising management:
    1. Purpose.
      • Contact potential customers or interested parties.
      • Respond to your request for information/services made through any means or contact form.
      • Send products, communications and information, by various means, including electronic.
    2. Legitimization. The legitimation for the processing of your data is the legitimate interest and consent of the interested party.
    3. Recipient. No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.
  2. Presentation of resumes and applications
    1. Purpose. Manage the personnel selection processes that are carried out.
    2. Legitimization. The legitimization for the processing of personal data is based on the express consent granted by the interested party.
    3. Recipient. No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.
  3. Exclusive for professional contacts.
    1. Purpose. We process your personal data in order to maintain the professional relationship between us.
    2. Legitimization. The legitimation for the processing of your data is the legitimate interest.
    3. Recipient. No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.
  4. Security.
    1. Purpose. Control and guarantee of people, goods and facilities, accesses and visits.
    2. Legitimization. Public interest, legitimate interest and consent (this, in the case that access control of visits is carried out).
    3. Recipient. No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.
  5. Attention to the rights of interested party.
    1. Purpose.- Respond to requests from interested parties in the exercise of the rights established by the General Data Protection Regulation.
    2. Legitimization. Compliance with a legal obligation.
    3. Recipient. No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation.
  6. Security breach management
    1. Purpose.- Management and evaluation of security gaps.
    2. Legitimization. Compliance with a legal or contractual obligation.
    3. Recipient. No data will be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation
  7.  Contact forms: 
    1. Type of data: name, surname, e-mail address, organisation. 
    2. The purpose of this process will be to answer your query, deal with your request or resolve the issue raised. In this case, your personal data will be kept for the time necessary to deal with your query and in any case until you express your wish to delete it or for as long as it is essential to comply with the legal obligations in force. 
    3. Legitimation of the processing: consent. 
    4. Retention of data: 4 years. 
  8. Newsletter
    1. Type of data: first name, surname, e-mail address.
    2. The purpose of this process: If you send the subscription request, we will send you, our Newsletter.
    3. Legitimation of the processing: consent.
    4. Retention of data: until you exercise your right of deletion and in any case a maximum of 6 years from the last confirmation of interest.

Data processing rights

You have the right to access personal data, its rectification or deletion, the limitation of its treatment, oppose the treatment, right to portability, withdraw your consent, oppose advertising. See, or go to the addresses of the responsible.

Additional information on data protection

The data that we may collect by the use, navigation of the website, through our forms, via e-mail or on the occasion of the contractual relationship that unites you with us are personal data. When completing each of the information collection forms you will be asked for data that could be identified as mandatory and that in the case of not providing them, the purposes described in each of the forms or documents to be completed can not be carried out.
On some occasions, we inform you that, by simply using and browsing our website, sending emails; information may be incorporated into our databases. You are informed of this in our cookies policy.
The responsible of the data processing reserves the right to modify or adapt this Privacy Policy at any time. Therefore, we recommend that you review it each time you access the website. In the case that the user has registered on the website and accesses his account or profile, when accessing it, he will be informed in the case that there have been substantial changes in relation to the processing of his personal data.

How long will we keep your personal data?

Contact form with the possibility of rekindle advertising You agree to receive advertising Your personal data will be processed until the consent granted for this purpose is revoked.
  Do not accept to receive advertising Your personal data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to meet your request.
Curricula and applications The personal data of job seekers will be kept for a maximum period of ONE YEAR from the receipt of the application and/or curriculum vitae.
Exclusive for professional contacts. The personal data of job seekers will be kept for a maximum period of ONE YEAR from the receipt of the application and/or curriculum vitae.
Exclusive for professional contacts. Until the end of our professional relationships or until you decide to cancel or oppose the processing of your contact details
Video surveillance systems The recordings will be kept for a period of ONE MONTHfrom their recording
Treatment of our benefactors and voluntary contributions. They will be kept until January of the following year to the realization of the voluntary contribution, and during the limitation period of legal actions.
Human Resources Your personal data will be processed until the end of the contractual relationship, and during the limitation period of legal actions.
Attention to the rights of data subjects and management of security gaps Your personal data will be processed until the end of the claim or process, and during the limitation period of legal actions.
Foundation services: Your personal data will be processed until the end of the service and during the limitation period of legal actions.

They will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from said purpose and the treatment of the data, being available only for Judges and Tribunals, Fiscal Ministry, Authorities and competent bodies, and must attend to the period of prescription of responsibilities.

  • The economic data will be kept under the provisions of Law 58/2003, of December 17, General Taxation. Once this contractual relationship has ended, your data will be kept for a period of 4 years in compliance with the provisions of the General Taxation Law.
  • For commercial purposes, once this contractual relationship has ended, your data will be kept for a period of 6 years in compliance with the provisions of the Royal Decree of August 22, 1885 by which the Commercial Code is approved.
  • For the purposes of Preventing Money Laundering, your data may be retained for a period of 10 years.
  • For civil purposes, once this contractual relationship has ended, your data will be kept for a legal period of limitation of liability actions.
  • The labor data will be kept during the limitation period of legal actions, including those in the labor field.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?
As indicated in the basic information no data will be transferred to third parties except legal obligation and consent of the interested party. In those cases where it is necessary, the data may be transferred to bodies in compliance with a legal obligation, such as, for example:

  1. Administrations (e.g. tax, labor, social security, etc.)
  2. Bodies and security forces.
  3. To the appropriate banking and financial entities, to be aware of payments.
  4. Health centers and mutual insurance company.
  5. Courts and Tribunals

What are your rights in relation to data processing?
You as a data subject have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of a processing of your data, to access your personal data, request the rectification of data that are inaccurate or, where appropriate, request the deletion, when among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or you as a data subject withdraw the consent.
This entity will process and keep your data in accordance with current regulations, without prejudice to the fact that as an interested party you can request in any case, the limitation of the processing of your data. In certain cases you may exercise your right to the portability of the data, which will be delivered in a structured, commonly used or machine-readable format to you or to the new data controller you designate.
You will have the right to revoke at any time the consent for any of the treatments for which you have granted it.
To exercise your rights contact us by the addresses indicated.
We have forms for the exercise of all the rights indicated above, however, you can also use those prepared by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
You will have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency in the event that you consider that the exercise of your rights has not been properly attended. The maximum period to resolve it will be one month from the receipt of your request.
In the event of any modification of your data, we thank you for duly informing us by writing in order to keep your data updated.

Changes to the Privacy Policy 

FUNDACIÓN INTRAS reserves the right to modify this Policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as to industry practices. In such cases, INTRAS will announce on this page the changes introduced reasonably in advance of their implementation. 

 Version: January 2024 

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